Check the file ElsweyrAnequina.esp in your mod lists.Ģ. Download and unpack the files into your Oblivion data folder. Make a copy of your ini file before fiddling with it just in case you mess up and need to restore the original one!Ģ. The setting can be found near the top of the ini file under the heading. You can find this ini in your folder My Documents/My Games/Oblivion. By switching the "bBorderRegionsEnabled=1" to "0" in your Oblivion game ini file. One is on the road from Leyawiin to Corinthe (speak to the goatherd you encounter), another, a simple treasure hunt beginning with a note in a desert cave infested with spiders. * New plants, ingredients, armor, weapons, and other items. * A new road from Skingrad to Leyawiin, and from Faregyl Inn south. * Custom monster-spawns in the wilderness * A few caves and hostile tribal villages

* Buyable elephant mount from the King's Walk caravanserie * More than 250 new NPCs including custom desert bandits and Khajiit tribesmen * The waystops of King's Walk and Darkarn Place * The villages of Alabaster & Duncori Walk * The cities of Corinthe, Riverhold, and the oasis district of Orcrest * Four new landscapes : Savannah, Sand Desert, Rocky Badlands, Coastal Jungle The information is just an extra add-on for those interested. If you don't like silent dialogue you can easily just ignore these new topics. NPCs have a few unique dialogue topics, but none of it is voiced. Its a fairly large mod for just one person to create! But if I had a few hundred more hours, well then, who knows. What I've done so far is all that I've had time to do.

I will update and expand it gradually in the future. Parts of the cities of Corinthe and Orcrest are closed off, as is the city of Dune and certain other locations.)ģ. This mod is fully playable but not yet 100% complete. Firstly, you MUST have your in-game borders disabled or you won't be able to reach the new region!Ģ. The deserts and badlands are hidden behind high hill ranges, so are not readily visible from Cyrodiil, despite their close proximity.ġ. Although it does not include any quests, the area offers an alternate routes from Skingrad and the IC to Leyawiin, giving you lots of reasons to traverse it while pursuing vanilla or other mod quests. This new region, spanning the section of Elsweyr between Skingrad and Leyawiin, includes four new landscapes, three new towns, several villages, Khajiit sub-races, and a monster-filled wilderness to explore. From sandy desert wastes to rocky, red badlands, from grassy savannah to jungle coast, the lands of Anequina beckon. High beyond the hills of the Niben lies the great desert plateau of central Elsweyr. **I am in the middle of uploading the mod file now, but because its 250MB in size, it will take a while to go through!***Īn across-the-border landscape and cities expansion